Circle of Life

Music by Natalia Shatova
Lyrics by Natalia Shatova & Zhanna Chernetskaya

First sounds of thunder
Coming with winds at night.
First steps of angel
Sounds of life.

Crying in children's breathing,
Smiling at shinning lightning,
Waiting for signs from nature,
Searching for lifeline.
We all live according rules of eternal being.
We want to be immortal in love.

First sounds of thunder
Change with return of sun.
All space and wonder's
Smell of life.
First steps of angel
Coming in breath of child.
From birth to dying
Eternal run.

Looking at stars and pictures,
Finding the sense of beauty,
Trying to live in honor,
Searching for glory.
People can be rough while looking for clear answer.
Nature can clear us forever.

First sounds of thunder
Change with return of sun.
All places dying
Truth of life.
Last steps of children
Coming in adult life.
From birth to dying
Eternal run.

Stay, you're awake!
Say what you want however?
Do all you can,
Not to betray: you're adult.
Moves our lives like ever,
But nothing more was before.

Circle of life
Leads human life forever.
Do till you can,
Life is so short for adult.
Life is so rough,
Move than through it like never
You did before. Even more.
© 2018 • AlcyonaTrailblazer